Thursday, September 6, 2012

     Hi my name is Bryan Choi, and I am studying in graphic design.  I moved to America when I was little, so i didn't have a lot of friends. Therefore I draw constantly to find ways to kill time. Ever since that moment, art has been my comfort zone.  I have Interned in a Company's Creative Team, so it really made me want to work in a huge company that are in need of Graphic Designers.  I really love art because it is amazing how art can persuade or motivate people’s mind. The society that we all live in is taken over by promotions, advertisements, and etc. Overall those artworks really shape the minds of society. In my perspective Art is this amazing power that is hidden to control the minds of our interest.
      Art and Art history is very important towards my interest because I wanted to become a great designer, but in order to master it I need to understand the past.  By understanding the past, many artists will have a bigger picture in the next movement. Without Art history, people cannot open their minds to some of the greatest artist such as Thomas Gainsborough. He was a Brilliant artist during the Rococo era, his works is very inspiring because the way the color flows and how the artwork can create a response out of his viewers: Cottage Children. Thomas Gainsborough is one of my inspiration in some of my work, based on the fact that he wanted to bring the emotions out of the painting and into the viewers heart.
     Politics and societal conditions definitely influence art and it played a very important role, I mean in China there are a lot of propaganda during the reign of Mao Zedong. He used his Propaganda to gain trust and persuade people in thinking that he is justice and the greatest.Without his propaganda I don't think the message will go as far as it did. Some of his propaganda are located HERE! I have taken China History for 2 semesters and there would be tons of propaganda that were used to influence people to go against political leaders like Chiang Kai-Shek.

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