Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Hello Class,

My name is Steven Goncalves, I am currently a Junior in Rutgers University pursuing a Dual Degree in both Psychology and Visual Arts. So in the end I'll more than likely be a SUPER SENIOR! I'll make sure to wear a cape my last year here. I really dislike being asked what my pursuits in my professional life will be since I don't really know. I can whole heartily say that I am a thinker, dreamer, and lover of too many things to make a steady choice. Life would have been much more fulfilling and steady if I was just born rich so that I could just make or do whatever I want. I still need to learn the attribute of resiliency as I am easily knocked out pursuing many of the goals I want in life. I guess if I was to die in six months there would be five things I want to do. 
The first four will surely be things I eventually will accomplish in my lifetime. Now I realize that my goals suit me to better be majored in engineering or architecture but I do have strong interests in having scholarly debates and intake of knowledge from both of my majors. Psychology up til' this day has still been a study of how to work or sympathize with others in my mind. While the Arts in many ways just reinforces that knowledge. I've always thought that because art is primarily made as a visual medium of what one person feels that in many ways that one person is the representation of many different people. I'd like to think that artists live with a heighten state of awareness or at least introspect upon life more than the average citizen. Because of the this I find them to be little pockets of knowledge that look at life in a more omniscient view. They retain the view of a community and of course, this takes into account all the perspectives of societal changes and politics. Art History studies have shown me the progression of the drawing, to the painting, to the sculpture, and much later on to film. That is why I recognize that Film Directors are the modern day DaVinci's and Van Gogh's of our day. I can only hope that I'll probably be recognized as one of them one day. 

Works Cited

Electric Car Drag Racing | Oregon Field Guide | OPB. OPB, 2011. Film. 11 Sep 2012. <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UAYrsEOxqYc>.

Halvor, Angvik, dir. Kjerag Kickoff Weekend 2009 - Wingsuit BASE jumping. YouTube, 2009. Web. 11 Sep 2012. <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oruOcvTQilI>.

House on the Beach. 2010. Photograph. home-gallery.usWeb. 11 Sep 2012. <http://www.home-  gallery.us/modern-home-plans-and-contemporary-architectural-home-features.html>.

Inside The Actors Studio - Mickey Rourke. Bravo TV, 2011. Film. 11 Sep 2012. <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UjneQahhks0&feature=plcp>.

~Moon-manUnit-42, . Super Senior. 2010. Photograph. DevianARTWeb. 11 Sep 2012. <http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2010/213/b/4/Super_Senior_by_Moon_manUnit_42.jpg>.

1 comment:

  1. Fun post. None of these sources have actually been cited..... If you want to share these with us (for obvious reasons perhaps) tell us why and LINK THEM!!
