Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Neoclassicsm versus Romanticism

          Neoclassism is considered a period that reflected on the classical theories and followed idealogies from antiquity.  The paintings of this time  relied on the theory that humans are social beings that were products of social order.  There is a great deal of respect for authority in the works of art and symmetry, balance and harmony were emphasized. 

           The Neoclassic movement occurs during a period when the aristocratic sense was moved away from to a focus on the normal average citizen.  The average man becomes the subject of art instead of the typical aristocrats that were portrayed.  The masses begin to understand the theories behind the dogma and this empowers them.  In Jacques-Louis David's Oath of the Horatii'.1785. Neoclassicism.

               David depicts a painting that focuses on the pagans rather than the Christians.  There is a shift from the classical styles of art to giving value to things before Christ.  David choses classical themes that applied to contemporary situations much like how some of todays art work focuses on the economic status and the Occupy Wall Street movement is depicted in present day contemporary art.   

          In David's chosen scene, two ruling families are at war and the brothers are portrayed giving their oath as a symbol of their allegiance to their citizenship.   What is not shown is that one of the brothers kills his own sister who is married to his enemy.  In this scene, families are torn apart due to the war.  However, it is typical of a classical style painting in that it is stoic, posed, rigid, and the composition is symmetrical with an emphasis on classical proportions, classical themes, and the use of chiaroscuro to ascentuate the soldiers in the fore ground.   David uses a different style compositionally in that he increases the size of the canvas.  During this time,artists were having academic salons.  Techniques were talked about as opposed to using art as propaganda which is why David's work was considered rebellious and caused such discomfort among the critics. 

                 Art during the Neoclassical movement generally portrayed Roman history and elevated Roman heroes on to a pedestal.  It occured during the Age of Reason and through its paintings historical works were a way in which the ideals of the Enlightenment were conveyed.  In example, the Oath of the Horatii, was a reaction to the revolution that was occuring during this time.  This art work showed that the average man is powerful and in control of what happens.  It is a form of propaganda and a call to arms. 

             In contrast, in Romanticism artists focused on the emotions of the scene which causes the painting to be active and dynamic in its composition and a lot of drama is achieved.  The brush stroke is emphasized and the colors are symbolic to mean something.  The artist becomes more painterly in his style and content. 
            A good example is the Raft of the Medusa, a painting by Theodore Gericault in 1818 in which a group of stranded people on a raft die, and despair is strewn across the canvas.  The story behind the scene is that the officer of the boat sinks the rafts in order to be able to save the more revered "important" people and the people left in the picture are left to die. Cannibalism occurs because they are not found.  The situation is desperate and it is a dire scene.  Gericault paints this scene in order to portray the highest drama and pinnacle of emotion that occurs.  He wants to show hope in that these people "might" be rescued despite of how badly the situation looks.  It is a message of hope.  There is a lot of symbolism that is shown, the bodies are not yet emaciated, not yet disfigured, plenty of emotion and fear, and it gives hope that maybe help is coming.

               Unlike Neoclassicism, Romanticism was created during the Age of Passion in thast art showed extreme emotional scenes.  It is a reaction to the classical, mental, contemplative nature of the Neoclassical art that precedented it.  Romanticism celebrated the height of the action, dramatic compositions, and a heightened sensation.
It focuses on the nostalgic romantic sentiment of rejecting contemporary society's evils.

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